Perfectus is used by:

* Corporate Legal

* Human Resources

* Sales and Purchasing

* Law Firms

* Finance

* Document-intensive organizations

To Generate:

* Contracts and agreements

* Sales and purchase orders

* Regulatory submissions

* Legal and other complex repetitive documents

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The Perfectus Shared Library is an enterprise level content management application created for organizations with a large number of templates and common data between the templates.

The Shared Library offers a single repository where Perfectus objects such as questions, web pages, templates and outcomes can be used across multiple IP packages creating a single source of control. Shared Library also offers a smart object reporting option providing visibility on 'where-used' across the Perfectus suite and assembled documents.

  • Faster development of IP packages using common objects
  • Ability to update multiple packages at object level reducing maintenance time
  • Reporting on object 'where-used' reducing risk by providing usage visibility
